Silent Moon

Silent Moon
Klaus Löhmer & Hans Gunther Wagener


Love conquers all. It is universal and transcends all species. In the darkest of times you'll always have your beloved... even at the end of the world.

About the Project

Tim Butt 2 Productions is excited about the infinite possibilities this movie brings to the palette. The story sprang from the most unlikely source... a pre-existing song. Every visual was developed in conjunction with what was happening in the music, and it was meant to be part of a larger whole. When it was written it was part of a feature-length story about an alien race secretly living among humans on Earth while simultaneously living out the final days of their planet. The imagery at the end of the movie was a stunning one way voyage for the protagonist to the alien planet. And when he entered to the lower city the ship passed the ruins of the city destroyed in this short, and he got to observe it from an observation deck.

The visuals this movie shows naturally are effects driven by the motion capture technology pioneered on a marvel like James Cameron's Avatar. Tim Butt 2 Productions naturally proposes that is the technology that should be used to make it. That is why it is so far off from now for a release date, and it's concievable that that date could be pushed back in the future.

If the short is successful, then maybe, given that the feature's story is polished, a feature can be made and those end visuals can be seen.


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